We began in 2009 when the leader of what was known to be a street gang of beggars ( beggar caste - not a chosen lifestyle) asked if his two girls could come live with us at our overseas abode. No children's home, school or orphanage, no not even the big name ones you may know for Christian work, would accept a beggar child. "They'll spoil our kids." "You are crazy to think you will put those kids near my school."
Yes we even were uninvited from many major platforms in the city of 2 million and physically threatened for the outrageous thing we did - we answered this father's -- and The Father's- call and took them in. We brought them into our home with nationals to help with caretaking.
The first day, a teacher friend in the city called us: "Please pray - I have lost my teaching position for answering the student's questions as to why I follow Jesus." We told her pray we will - but we have a job for her!
We began the Happy Place School to try to catch up street kids ages 6-12, who had never been to school, hoping they would pass entrance exams and that would change the minds of those who turned them away. It didn't. So many stories to tell!
"You are dreamers."
"You will not bring that dark girl to my school."
"We don't take dropouts and unfortunates."
Although the children learned math and English and were impeccably mannered and dressed, their color and caste prevented any school from working with us...So we went HIGHER!
We asked the Lord to give these kids not just a school but a first-class education - best in our city. Refused by the government schools and Christians and secular private schools, we asked the Lord to give us fine schools of any faith that would work with us. And He did.
Two schools worked with us 'undercover' to protect the children's idenity, as riots could ensue if parents knew their fine offspring sat next to a former street child. And ourkids excelled! TODAY these kids have completed trade schools, are in Universoty college programs for finance, accounting, computer science, nursing college and one in LAW SCHOOL!