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Since 2010 we have taught pastors, evangelists, and college students - and all who come -- the Gospel of the Kingdom that transforms nations.  

Here pictured is our first graduating class, mostly pastors already, but who had never even heard "You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus" - some got ruffled at those words in the very first hour of classes - doubting they were Biblical! 


Yet by graduation, they had encountered the Father,  received heart and physical healing, and went out to the nations and back to their churches in the love and power of God. 


Originally designed for pastors who may be unable to read or write or who, though having some education, could not attend any formal training due to cost, this school is free to all. Some come by bicycle from many miles away!      

They receive a basic Biblical Foundation which is so needed even by many who are already leading churches or ministries, as well as the essentials to GemSeeker's values & vision: 

  • The Father Heart of God

  • Transformation in His Presence

  • Grace and Forgveness

  • Sonship and Identity in Christ

  • The School of Rest

  • Physical and Inner Healing,  and more.  

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