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Senior Leaders, Scot and Patricia

Not only have Scot and Patricia joyfully spent most of the last 20 years on third world streets year-round;  they have expressed God’s love in a tangible way that most would not even consider, insisting that the Body of Christ is one, and welcoming all together – at the same places and times - - every caste, color, social, educational and economic status, to break bread together, to live in community and experience the transforming presence of God.  Every life is the Father’s treasure. This has brought much persecution and much greater joy!

At the children’s home they founded on the China border, children of many different tribes live together as one, knowing that they are loved by the Father. These tribes do not normally intermingle. But under the leadership and love of their national pastors there, and their heavenly Father, over twenty from diverse tribes live as one family. 


Every life is the Father’s treasure.

The Lord has anointed Scot and Patricia to preach the Gospel to the poor, He has sent them to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. They have raised the dead, had blind healed, countless lame walk and deaf hear by the Love and Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Having compassion, making a difference.

Before forming GemSeekers, they each had successful careers until leaving all for the cause of bringing the Father Heart of God to the poor. Patricia was previously a corporate finance and securities attorney,  and Scot was a respiratory therapist.  Originally ordained out of a small church in California, they were ordained  there and also in  Canada at Catch the Fire Toronto (Partners). They are both licensed and ordained ministers. Scot spent years previously working in several nations with Operational Mobilization and YWAM.   


In 2006, they were headed to other nations, when the Lord turned their attention to Asia once again. They literally sold all and left all, and boarded a plane to the destination the Lord had shown, and so began the ministry now known as GemSeekers. God's gemologists, as a word was spoken to them at the home of dear CTF friends. A gemologist recognizes the beauty where others might see a useless stone, covered in dirt, without hope  - but indeed diamonds in the rough destined to adorn the King's crown.  


A gemologist, a gemseeker, finds the lost of the Father's treasures

and makes them SHINE. 

The Lord has given Scot and Patricia a voice on behalf of the voiceless, and a song that breathes Resurrection into the atmosphere. The Lord uses them to awaken the parts of His body that have fallen asleep, speaking what many dare not to speak, calling the dead to life, challenging racism, caste divide in the church and child labor as the Lord uses them to carry His Glory.


For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?

And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?

And how shall they hear without a preacher?

And how shall they preach unless they are sent?...

Romans 10:14-15 NKJV. 

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